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Capture what you know

Software Engineering

These are the tools we use to investigate the technical landscape from all angles, analysing the technical user experience but also including a infrastructure point of view, ensuring that your product integrates into the larger eco-system at play.

UML diagrams

Unified Modeling Language Diagrams help us visualise the entire technical design of the system. Depending on the type of diagram we use, we map all dependencies, hosting solutions, and technologies that currently exist in your technology infrastructure to foresee dependencies, align teams decide how and where the solutions will fit in.

Data Modelling

we define and analyse the data requirements needed to support your business processes within the landscape of your I.T. system. We define the business domain entities, their attributes, and the relationships between them producing a comprehensive data model lays the foundation for your solutions.

Backlog crafting

we use user stories and digital backlog tools such as JIRA to describe the required functionalities, group stories into milestones and releases, craft API contracts and test scenarios to get a clear overview and share insight into the projects progression.


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